Pre-Course Counselling

Pre-Course Counselling

Our Administrative staffs will go through a pre course counselling with prospective students before student commit any course with AES. The content will include:

  1. About the Academy
  2. Service and Quality Assurance
  3. Service Guarantee
  4. Course Requirement and Prerequisites
  5. Conditions of Admission
  6. Declaration of Undertaking by Student
  7. Information Dissemination
  8. Pricing Policy
  9. Fee Structure
  10. Fee Payment Scheme and Policy
  11. Refund Policy
  12. Transfer and Withdraw
  13. Student Contract
  14. Fee Protection Scheme (FPS)
  15. Medical Insurance (MI)
  16. Student Pass & Immigration Rules
  17. Attendance Requirement
  18. Expulsion due to No Attendance
  19. Course Assessment & Examination
  20. Graduation Requirements /Industrial Attachment
  21. Expected Award Conferment date
  22. Certificate
  23. Contact Information